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Packages and Prices of our ERP Software

découvrez les prix du erp bluebee software

















With the purchase of Bluebee (minimum 10 licenses), you get:

• Installation services (up to 30 hours)

• Unlimited post-production support services for six months. (up to 120 hours)

• A $ 3,750 rebate on your implementation project.

Contact us for a personalized estimate.

Companies using our ERP software

ERP companies using Bluebee

Click here to discover what our satisfied customers have to say about us

The benefits of Bluebee’s ERP software

User experience:  reduced resistance to change, reduction of training efforts, increased job satisfaction

Business intelligence: Dashboards, performance indicators, access to QLIK SENSE data explorations tools

Customization: unlimited scalability, possibility to make changes to the code without going through the provider, expert service and consultation available

Mobile and multiplatform features: access from everywhere, use via workstation, laptop, tablet or smartphone, customized mobile development

And much more!


What is Bluebee ERP software?

It is a software that brings the information of your agri-food, manufacturing or distribution company altogether. You can store any information involving the finances, distribution, manufacturing and cross-fonctional features.

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